The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612 e.

OA Fives

New members are always welcome at The Aldenham Fives Club. 

The club is open to both OAs and non-OAs and from novices to experienced players. Don’t worry if you haven’t hit a fives ball for 20 years – we can lend you some gloves and help you brush up on those neat shots into the pepper that you thought you’d forgotten. 

We meet every Tuesday evening at 7.30pm at the school. 

Our current 30+ members range from schoolboys and regular league players through to those who first played in the 1960s so you can be sure of a good mix of social and competitive play. We have a few friendly fixtures each season and a very popular ladder competition every six weeks. 

The OA Fives Team (6 players) won the prestigious EFA (Eton Fives Association) Trophy in 2015 and 2017.

The social element of the club is taken quite seriously and after play, members usually retire to the ‘Round Bush', a nearby pub, for drinks and sandwiches.

Phillip Lyndon, Club Secretary (07866 410 141) or
Andrew Fraser, Club Treasurer 
Contact via


The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612
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