The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612 e.
Aldenham School's Digital Archives

Welcome to Our History Project

The Aldenham School Archive website has been made possible through donations to the Aldenham Annual Fund.

With over 400 years of history at Aldenham School there is a lot of archive material including magazines, registers, event programmes and many, many photographs.

We have only just begun a project to make this all available electronically.

The on line archive so far includes early editions (from the 1880’s and 1890's) of the School magazine, The Aldenhamian, issues from the War years and samples from each decade up to 2010. Also included is the Register of names in the War List recorded in 1914-19. This will be of particular interest during the centenary years of the Great War. You can see the original School Rules and photographs from an album bequeathed to the School by H J McGill, a teacher of Classics at the School from 1865-97 and the first Housemaster of McGill’s House from 1888-97. The first copy of the OA Society magazine, Aldenhamiana, is also available to view by members of the OA Society.

The plan is to continue to scan historical material and add this to the on line resource in due course and as funds allow.
The digital archive has a full search facility to enable you to search by year, keyword, a name or category for example ‘sports’ or ‘music’. To use this facility please log in, and your personal archive link will become available.

We hope that you will find a wealth of information in this digital archive and gain a great deal of pleasure from looking back through the history of the School.
If you have something you believe would add to our living history; photographs, documents or would like to make a donation towards further development of this facility please contact the Development & OA Office at the School.

For further advice and information contact:

Telephone: 01923 851612 Email:
The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612
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