The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612 e.
About Us
OA Society Activities - Video Presentation
The President and OA Committee members promote OA Society activities to the whole School to let students know that the Aldenham community will support them throughout their lives, in various ways, and to confirm that Aldenham friendships last a lifetime.
About Old Aldenhamian Society
Left: Clare Yeabsley (K1988-1990), President.

What is the Old Aldenhamian Society and its benefits and why you should join?

The OA Society and the School work together to provide opportunities for social occasions such as OA Day, Regional lunches and the popular annual OA Dinner also continuation of sports and other interests developed at School. Valuable business networking through and career development opportunities through Mentoring are also available.

Members of the OA Society receive an annual magazine, the OA Review, either in hard copy or electronic format. You will also be given remote access to the member database. A set of unique access details will enable members to search for other OAs wherever they are in the world, and make contact with them.

Members can update their own personal profile with contact details, further education and employment information on line, so that others can keep in touch with you through the 'Find your Friends' feature on this website.

Download the OA Society brochure to find out more.
Vice Presidents
Vice Presidents comprising former Presidents of the Committee, former Headmasters or long standing members of the Common Room and other notable OAs, the position is awarded by the Committee for life.

J R Edwards TD JP (B1946 -51)
N A Sutherland OBE DL (B1966 -70) (Ex-President)
R C Wood Esq (CR1966 -98)
J C N James-Crook (M1968 -72) (Ex-President)
P W Boorman Esq Headmaster 1974-83
M Higginbottom Esq JP Headmaster 1983-94
R S Harman Esq Headmaster 2000-2006
J C Fowler Esq Headmaster 2006-2022
Committee Members
The OA Committee meets four times a year to discuss and agree events, publications, club activities and other services.  Vice Presidents and official representatives of OA sports clubs may attend on an ad hoc basis.

If you are interested in joining the Committee or have an item to raise please email either the President or the Honorary Secretary

The President is appointed for an initial period of 3 years, the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer on an annual basis and other Committee Members are elected and remain for an initial period of 3 years. 

Current OA Committee Members:

Clare Yeabsley (K1988-90) - President
Frank Rogers (SH1953-58) - Honorary Secretary
Richard Peart (SH1955-60) - Honorary Treasurer
Chris Stern (P1973-78) - Committee Member (Annual Dinner)
Claudia Greenway (P2011-19) - Committee Member
Glynn Humphreys (SHE1960-64) - Committee Member (OA Careers Mentoring)
Charlotte Yeabsley (P2011-18) - Committee Member
Megan Yeabsley (P2012-19) - Committee Member
Adam Thrussell (B1992-97) - Committee Member
Nicola Butchart (P2010-17) - Committee Member (Editor of OA Review)

Nominated School Representatives:
Mrs Alex Hems - Head of the Aldenham Foundation
Katy Miller - Deputy Head, Operations, Co-curricular & Outreach
Ann Saffery - Development & OA Manager
Jackie Wilkie - Development & OA Assistant
OA Society Objectives and Rules
The Old Aldenhamian Society Committee has agreed a set of Objectives and Rules. You can see these by downloading the document here.
The majority of boys and girls become members of the OA Society when they leave Aldenham. Parents are invited to pay for membership along with the School fees. This initial membership will be valid for 20 years, after which OAs may renew their membership by making an annual subscription. OAs who did not join the Society whilst at the School and who now wish to join would be warmly welcomed.
Please contact:
The Hon. Secretary
OA Society
Aldenham School
Tel: 01923 851614.
According to the Rules in place then, members who joined before September 2002 have life status, however they are invited to make a voluntary annual subscription, minimum, £10 per annum and the OA Society would welcome larger amounts as donations towards costs.
If you left Aldenham in Summer 1998 or before you are invited to pay a voluntary annual subscription.
School Prayer
Richard Platt, in his Orders for the School, appointed the following prayer to be used as: "A thanckesgiving for the Fownder after his deathe".
Domine Deus resu'rectio et vita credentium qui semper es laudandus tam in viventibus quam in defunctis agimus tibi gratias pro religioso viro Domino Ricardo Platto hujus Scholae fundatore cuius solius erga bonas literas pietatemq; studio in hac Schola bonis literis innstituimur et ad virtutem erudimur humillime rogantes ut nos his donis recte ad tuam gloriam nostramq; utilitatem utentes una cum fidelibus defunctis omnib; ad caelestem gloriam resurgamus per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen
School Song
(Let us now praise famous men)

Laudate nunc praeteritos
Et omnes bene meritos,
Nobilium memoriam
Et fundatoris gloriam
Ricardi Platt:
Qui suis largitatibus
Fundavit in his partibus
Et dedicavit artibus
Nunc Aldenhamiensibus,
Praeteritis, praesentibus,
Hanc Scholam diligentibus,
Sit felicitas!
School Grace
Beginning of Meal
Benedic, Domine, nobis, et his donis Tuis quae de Tua largitate sumus sumpturi et concede ut eis salubriter nutriti Tibi debitum obsequium praestare valeamus; per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum.

End of meal
Concede, Domine Deus, ut his donis datis a Ricardo Platt, fundatore nostro, ad tuam gloriam utamur; et cum omnibus qui in fide Christi decesserunt ad caelestem vitam resurgamus; per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum.
The Old Aldenhamian Society
t. 01923 851612
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